“Minimize Disease Related Malnutrition in the United States”
Participate annually the first or second Thursday of November OR anyDay of the year.
Our data entry and report download is always open, nutritionDay.org
nutritionDay in the US President/National Project Coordinator: Gail Gewirtz, MS RD
Website: www.nutritionDayUS.org
email: gail@nutritionDayUS.org
Phone: 847.254.2034
nutritionDay Worldwide global team contact information:
Website: www.nutritionDay.org
Email: office@nutritionDay.org
Get Started Now:
Inform local managers, key clinicians and other clinical nutrition team members and apply for Internal Review Board (IRB) approval if required. This may just require an IRB waiver, expedited process or exemption. nutritionDay in the U.S. is an “audit” or “registry”. Therefore considered a minimally invasive study. Patient care does not change on nutritionDay. Please contact nutritionDay in the US if you would like any assistance with the IRB submission.
STEP I: Register for nutritionDay
- Access the global, www.nutritionDay.org, or U.S., www.nutritionDayUS.org, website, click on “register”
- Complete the required information
- Receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.
- Respond, as requested, to the confirmation email
- You will need your username and password to register for your facility and unit codes, your next step.
Changing registration information, if necessary:
- Access the global, www.nutritionDay.org
- Click on “my nDay” on upper right corner
- Click on “Order Center Code” or Order “Unit Code” located in the center of the screen.
- Click on “Edit your user data here” in the center of the screen
- Update any information
- Click on “update profile”